Our club put on a criterium and in my effort to try out a few different kinds of racing (despite being a slowpoke) I entered. I rode in the Citizen class again because that’s the type of license I got for the season. This time there were three riders instead of two at the Stieda race earlier. The other guys (despite being in Citizen where all genders can enter, we were all dudes) had raced the day before with the iGregari SugarBoddy Criterium, which was on the same course but in the opposite direction.

When the race began, Warren (also a Velocity club member) put in a good pace that I just couldn’t hold for more than a couple of laps. Once I was dropped I could just go at my steady pace and lost about 5 seconds each lap. I did go faster than I do when I’m out riding on my own, but man, I am not a crit racer.

Afterwards I did a volunteer shift course-marshalling for the fast people (and took some pictures). And they were fast. There were only a couple of Cat 1/2/3 women, and they stayed together for a good long time before Emma Scott pulled away and won by like 12 seconds.


The fast men’s race was Eric Berg way out in front with an organized chase that just couldn’t pull him back.

my results

  1. These chasers did their best, but could not catch Eric Berg. ↩︎